Midaz for Academic Record Management

One compelling non-financial use case for using your ledger is managing academic records in an educational institution.


A university wants to maintain a secure, immutable, and transparent record of students’ academic activities, including course enrollments, grades, attendance, and achievements.


  • Security and Integrity: Ensures that academic records are secure and tamper-proof.

  • Transparency: Provides a clear and transparent view of student records.

  • Efficiency: Streamlines the process of managing and auditing academic records.

By leveraging Midaz for academic record management, educational institutions can enhance the reliability and efficiency of their student information systems.


Creating Courses as Instruments

Use the Create an Instrument endpoint to create different courses offered by the university. Each course can be an instrument with unique identifiers, as shown below.

POST /v1/organizations/{{id}}/ledgers/{{id}}/instruments


  "name": "Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python",
  "type": "others",
  "code": "6.100A ",
  "metadata": {
    "university": "MIT",
    "durantionInMonths": 5,
    "website": "https://student.mit.edu/catalog/search.cgi?search=6.100A"


  "id": "bb907427-5a8c-4622-b1ce-801b70e40d0c",
  "organizationId": "cc15194a-6bc9-4ebb-b15d-43411a54ba4b",
  "ledgerId": "77b0fb8b-1bd9-4810-9c6d-7e80064fab0c",
  "name": "Introduction to Computer Science Programming in Python",
  "type": "others",
  "code": "6.100A ",
  "metadata": {
    "university": "MIT",
    "durantionInMonths": 5,
    "website": "https://student.mit.edu/catalog/search.cgi?search=6.100A"
  "status": {
    "code": "ACTIVE",
    "description": null
  "createdAt": "2024-02-08T17:03:12+0300",
  "updatedAt": "2024-02-08T17:03:12+0300",
  "deletedAt": null

Creating Student Portfolios

For each student, create a portfolio using the Create a Portfolio endpoint. The portfolio will act as the student's academic record.

Creating Accounts for Academic Metrics

Within each student's portfolio, create accounts for various academic metrics using the Create an Account. For example:

  • Course Enrollments Account: Records the courses the student has enrolled in.

  • Grades Account: Tracks the grades the student has received.

  • Attendance Account: Monitors the attendance of the student in classes.

  • Achievements Account: Records any extracurricular achievements or recognitions.

Handling Transactions

  • Every time a student enrolls in a course, a transaction can be created, moving an entry from a general available courses account (@external/available-courses) to the student's "course enrollments" account.

  • When grades are assigned, transactions can update the student's "grades" account, by sending "funds" (grades) from the classes' grade account (@external/grades) to the student's grade account.

  • As attendance is marked, transactions can update the "attendance" account by sending funds from the monitors account (@external/monitors) to the student's account.

  • Achievements can be added to the "achievements" account using similar transactions.

Generating Reports

Use Midaz to generate comprehensive academic reports for each student, covering their enrollments, grades, attendance, and achievements. This can help in academic counseling and in generating transcripts. For instance, by calling the Retrieve all transaction by Account and passing the Grades Account, you would be able to see the student's GPA, given this would be the balance.available.

Regulatory Compliance and Audits

The immutable nature of the ledger ensures that academic records are tamper-proof and can be audited for regulatory compliance.

Last updated