{"baseAssetCode":"BRL","counterAssetCode":"BTC","amount":35000000,"scale":2,"source":"Chainlink database","status": {"code":"My custom ACTIVE code","description":"My description" },"metadata": {"updateCycle":300,"urgent":true }}
Response codes
{"id":"d0aa3885-0f9d-4856-9ca8-7da4fe6e2a95","ledgerId":"77b0fb8b-1bd9-4810-9c6d-7e80064fab0c","organizationId":"5f3a4c55-8b28-4276-bed7-f7c8a4bb44e8","baseAssetCode":"BRL","counterAssetCode":"BTC","amount":35000000,"scale":2,"source":"Chainlink database","status": {"code":"My custom ACTIVE code","description":"My description" },"metadata": {"updateCycle":300,"urgent":true },"createdAt":"2024-01-29T00:12:00+0300","updatedAt":"2024-01-29T00:12:00+0300","deletedAt":null}
{"code":"0028","title":"Asset pair already exists", "description": "There is already a pair for the assets {{baseAssetCode}}{{counterAssetCode}} with the id {{asset_rates.id}}. Try to update it instead of create."
{"code":"0007","title":"Entity not found", "description": "Entity not found for the ID informed. Check if you are sending the correct ID for the entity that you are managing."
Use this endpoint to edit and update the information of a specific asset exchange rate. When you update a Product, the following fields cannot be edited:
When updating the metadata object, all previous key-value pairs must be included in the update, or they will be removed. Check the Metadata section for more information.
{"code":"0007","title":"Entity not found", "description": "Entity not found for the ID informed. Check if you are sending the correct ID for the entity that you are managing."
Use this endpoint to delete a specific asset exchange rate. When you do this, the "status" will change to "INACTIVE" and the "deletedAt" == "current_timestamp()".
Response codes
{"code":"0007","title":"Entity not found" "description": "Entity not found for the ID informed. Check if you are sending the correct ID for the entity that you are managing."