Error handling

Effective Error Handling in Our API

When integrating with our API, it's crucial to prepare for and effectively handle potential errors. Errors are an inevitable part of any system, but their impact can be minimized with proper error handling strategies. In our API, we employ a standardized error response model for 4xx (client error) responses to ensure that you can understand and manage errors effectively.

Understanding the Error Response Model

Whenever our API encounters an error that results in a 4xx response, it returns a structured error object, including a unique error code, title, and description. Here's the model for our error responses:

  "code": "0003",
  "title": "Instrument Name or Code Duplicated",
  "description": "An instrument with the same name or code already exists in your ledger."
  • code: A unique identifier for the type of error encountered. This field is stable and will not change for the same error condition.

  • title: A brief summary of the error, intended to provide an at-a-glance understanding of what went wrong.

  • description: A more detailed description of the error, offering insight into possible causes and suggested fixes.

Best Practices for Handling Errors

To ensure your integration with our API is resilient and reliable, here are key considerations for handling errors:

Rely on Error Codes

Given that the title and description fields are designed to aid in diagnosing errors, they may be subject to change as we strive to improve clarity and provide more detailed guidance. As such, it's imperative that your error handling logic relies on the code field as the primary indicator of the error type.

By mapping the unique error codes to specific handling strategies within your application, you can decouple your error processing logic from the potentially variable explanations provided in the title and description. This approach aligns with the Tolerant Reader pattern, ensuring your integration remains robust even as we refine our error messages.

Implement Comprehensive Error Handling

Treat every 4xx error response as an opportunity to enhance the user experience. Implement comprehensive error handling to gracefully manage these scenarios, providing clear feedback to your users and offering suggestions for corrective action when appropriate.

Keep Error Handling Up-to-Date

Regularly review the Errors list and ensure your application's error handling logic is up-to-date. While the codes themselves will remain stable, new error conditions may be added as the API evolves.


Effective error handling is a cornerstone of a seamless integration with our API. By focusing on the error codes provided in our standardized error response model, you can build a resilient application that adapts smoothly to changes in error messaging. Remember that understanding and anticipating errors can significantly improve the overall user experience and reliability of your application.

Last updated