
The Portfolio Service is responsible for creating the assets that are part of the use Ledger, such as the following:

  • Accounts

  • Account types

  • Child-accounts

  • Entities

  • Instruments*

  • Parent Entity

  • Product Id

  • Portfolio

Although the Instruments are part of the Portfolio domain, they are created during the Onboarding process.

Assets relationship

Figure 1 is an example of how the assets can relate to one another:

  • Entity 123 owns Portfolio 1, which includes Accounts 1, 2, and 3 (all three accounts are linked to Entity 123).

  • Portfolio 1 also has a sub-account, Account 98, which is linked to Entity 626

This is an example of the structure used for dependents, where the parent owns the account and the child is the person who uses the account.

Creating the Portfolio structure

The main flow of the Portfolio domain will be the creation of Portfolios, and Accounts (main or sub-accounts), for one or more Instruments configured for the Ledger in question.

The Portfolio structure must be created in the following order:

Step 1 - Create the Portfolio

The first entity you must create is the Portfolio.

Retrieving Portfolio information

After creating a Portfolio, you can retrieve the information as follows:

Updating a Portfolio

If you need to update the information of a Portfolio, use the Update a Portfolio endpoint.

Deleting a Portfolio

To deactivate a Portfolio, use the Delete a Portfolio endpoint.

Step 2 - Create the Accounts

Once you've created a Portfolio, you can create Accounts, according to the Instruments you have in your Ledger.

When creating the Account, you can set the productId field to indicate that the account is part of a client clusterization. You will receive the value of the roductId field when you create the product.

  • To create the product, use the Create a Product endpoint.

  • If you have already created a product, you can use the following endpoints to retrieve the productId:

Refer to the Product API page for more information about managing a Product.

Account Types

Each account created must have an Account Type, which will be one of the following types:

To retrieve the account types available, use the Retrieve Account Types endpoint.



A financial account is provided by banks where individuals and businesses can store money securely and potentially earn interest on their deposits.

A deposit account is usually a Checking or a Payment Account.


An investment account model that may or may not offer daily remuneration as an interest-bearing account, depending on whether or not the Interests satellite is contracted.


A sub-account intended for loans received by the customer.

It offers an automatic value calculation model when used with Interests.


An account used for settlements over time for acquirers.

For example, if a sale can now be made in 5 installments, the future balance would be shown in this Marketplace Child-account.

Receivables of advanced products can be plugged into this account as well.

credit card

An account to manage credit used via a card.

bucket account

An account used for transitional amounts. For example, it is used when the Ledger must send an amount to another institution or card brand payment.

external account

An account used to signal money entering and leaving the ledger.

It is the only type of account that can be negative, signaling that money has entered the ledger.

Retrieving Account information

After creating the Account, you can retrieve the information as follows:

Updating an Account

If you need to update the information of an Account, use the Update an Account endpoint.

The following account types can be updated: deposit, savings, loans, overdrafts, market place, and credit card.

In the Open Source contracting model, all accounts can be edited

Deleting an Account

To disconnect an Account, use the Delete an Account endpoint.

The following account types can be disconnected: deposit, savings, loans, overdrafts, market place, and credit card.

Last updated