Getting started

Midaz uses Docker Compose to simplify the setup process and maintain a consistent development environment. This guide walks you through the steps to get your Midaz stack running smoothly.


Before you begin, ensure that the following are installed on your machine:

Enable make function

After installing Chocolatey, you must run the following command to install the make function:

sudo apt install make

Setting Up Midaz

1. Clone the Repository

Start by cloning the Midaz repository from GitHub and navigate to the project directory:

git clone

cd midaz

2. Configure the Environment Variables

Run the following command to set all environment variables that will be used with Midaz:

make set-env

3. Start Midaz with Docker Compose

Now, you can start the Midaz stack using Docker Compose. Run the following command:

make all-services COMMAND="up"

This command will build and start the services defined in your docker-compose.yml file in detached mode, meaning the services will run in the background, allowing you to continue using the terminal.

4. Verify the Stack is Running

To check if the stack is running correctly, use the following command:

docker ps

This will display the running Docker containers.

Next Steps: Create an Organization

After ensuring your Midaz project is up and running, use our Postman collection, which you can download from GitHub, to create an organization by sending a POST request to the /v1/organizations endpoint.


Before using the endpoints in our Postman collection, you will have to authenticate. For more information, follow the instructions on the Authenticating to Midaz page.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or want to get involved with the Midaz project, here are some resources:

  1. Contribution Guidelines: Read our Contribution Guidelines to learn how to contribute effectively.

  2. Join the Discussion: Connect with the community through our Discord channel. Discuss issues, share ideas, and learn from others.

  3. Pick an Issue: Start contributing by selecting an open issue labeled for beginners or propose your own.

Don't hesitate to take the first step, whether new to open-source or an experienced contributor. For more detailed guides, consult our full documentation or reach out through our community support channels.

Last updated