Use this endpoint to create an Asset that will be used with the transactions. Each Asset must be created one at a time.
Each Asset has decimal place settings and other specific parameters that will be created individually.
You must create the Asset twice with different configurations to use the same Asset (e.g. BTC) on two Ledgers with different configurations.
Request body
{"name":"Bitcoin","type":"crypto",//crypto, currency (according to ISO 4217), commodity, others"code":"BTC","metadata":{"internalExchangeAddress":"bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf2493p83kkfjhx0wlh","internalExchangeCustody":"Binance US" },"status":{ //optional, default status.code = ACTIVE and description = null"code":"ACTIVE","description":null }}
{"code":"0004","title":"Code Uppercase Requirement","message":"The code must be in uppercase. Please ensure that the code is in uppercase format and try again."}
{"code":"0005","title":"Currency Code Standard Compliance", "message":"Currency-type assets must comply with the ISO-4217 standard. Please use a currency code that conforms to ISO-4217 guidelines."
{"code":"0009","title":"Missing Fields in Request", "message":"Your request is missing one or more required fields. Please refer to the documentation to ensure all necessary fields are included in your request."
{"code":"0033","title":"Invalid Code Format", "message":"The 'code' field must be alphanumeric, in upper case, and must contain at least one letter. Please provide a valid code."
{"code":"0040","title":"Invalid Type", "message":"The provided 'type' is not valid. Accepted types are: currency, crypto, commodities, or others. Please provide a valid type."
{"code":"0003","title":"Asset Name or Code Duplicate", "message":"An asset with the same name or code already exists in your ledger. Please modify the name or code of your new asset."
{"code":"0017","title":"Invalid Script Error", "description": "The script provided in the request is invalid or in an unsupported format. Please verify the script and try again."
{"code":"0017","title":"Invalid Script Error", "description": "The script provided in the request is invalid or in an unsupported format. Please verify the script and try again."
An Asset can only be deleted if no balance is available in its ledger accounts. Therefore, all remaining amounts must be moved to the External Account before deleting an Asset.
Response codes
{"code":"0017","title":"Invalid Script Error", "description": "The script provided in the request is invalid or in an unsupported format. Please verify the script and try again."
{"code":"0007","title":"Invalid Script Error","description":"Entity not found."}